WAIT upon the Lord during these uncertain times.  We as Christians put our faith and trust in the Lord. We don't have to worry or be anxious about the news being reported or the economy outlook.  We can PRAY and know that God is in control.


WATCH for updates here on our website, thru our emails and on Facebook.  You can watch our services every Sunday @ 10:30am. Watch for other opportunities coming soon.  Facebook.com/MinierAssemblyOfGod


We can still be WORKING in ministry. Remain in contact with those under your care, in your Community Group, or part of your Ministry Team.  Reach out to see how you can help others who might have a need you can help with. Use Facetime, Skype, Hang Out or a good old fashioned phone call when necessary. 


Use Wisdom, take precautions, be safe, limit going out, and use this time as a positive instead of a hardship. 


Do your part in stopping the spread of COVID-19.